Everything is storytelling
Your ability to market your business comes down to how... good a storyteller you are.
Stories that will change the way you do marketing.
Your ability to market your business comes down to how... good a storyteller you are.
Why are brands like Starbucks, LVMH, and Nike launching in-house production studios?
What they’re really saying is, “We’ve not figured out how to make emails successful”. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard someone tell me that. And yet, behind the scenes, this is what I see: It wasn’t always this way though. I was...
Are you overpaying for marketing tools in your business? Here are our 5 favourite ones we only pay once!
We're moving into an era, where the focus should be brand building instead of click tracking.
Few years ago, I led marketing at a data science school For the longest time, I thought we were in the business of education - helping students pick up data science. Over time, I realized that I wasn’t in the education business. I was in the recruitment business. The...