When I was at LEAD, we sent a lot of emails.
We had a 12,000+ email list, paying Mailchimp more than USD100 every month. Every week we'd schedule 2-3 email broadcasts.
12,000 emails X 2 email broadcasts X 56 weeks = 1,344,000 emails sent
Actually, it's two realizations
One. Most businesses don't send enough emails.
Why would you refuse using an affordable method to keep in touch with your audience?
Two. When they send emails, they're usually hard selling. Their emails look like a brochure.

So the question:
Does email marketing still work?
Yes, email works
You're probably this post through an email you received.
Email is a convenient way to reach your audience, without being spammy. Your customers are smart. They'll know if you're selling or being needy.
So do it with good intent.
Every email should bring some value – an idea, some humor, or information, that will make your reader slightly better off.
When emails don't work
Of course, there are times when it isn't smart to rely only on emails.
When we organized Underdog Ad Con, we only used email to communicate with participants. They'd receive their receipts through email. Updates, reminders, everything!
2 days before the event, I looked at the email open rates on Mailerlite and got a bit worried.

I've had sent out a few emails throughout the week. And the highest open rate remained at 88%.
Some people just don't read their emails. Maybe emails went into spam, I thought.
In the end, we used a tool, OtoWA to send every participant a personalized WhatsApp reminder message.

True enough, some people don't read emails. But they read WhatsApp.