You've got a skillset you are confident to sell. You are ready to take the leap of faith to kickstart your freelancing journey. But you are not sure where to start.

We have heard so many of you struggle with finding your first client, so this episode is made specially for you.

Reuben speaks to Kenny Lee, an engineer turned freelance content writer. Kenny kickstarted his journey into this career shift by marketing his skills on Upwork.

We picked his brains to learn how to strategically position yourself on freelancing platforms, how to stand out when pitching to clients and pricing models that worked for him.

He also shares his experience working with international clients to maximise your earnings based on currency exchanges (eg: Earning USD and spending MYR).

If you are struggling to find your first freelance client, this episode will be a helpful guide.

🎧 Check out our other podcast episodes if you want more actionable marketing lessons.

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