Solve big problems
The job of a marketer is to solve problems. But there's a difference to choosing the size of the problem you solve.
I write and explain in a simple, no-bullshit manner. Mostly on how you can do better marketing and grow your business.
The job of a marketer is to solve problems. But there's a difference to choosing the size of the problem you solve.
Maybe we should start building sites on mobile phones. Who knows? That day might come sooner than we thought.
We've made many mistakes starting as a service provider. One of them is not figuring a scalable recurring revenue model.
How to measure the 2 most important metrics in your business – CAC & CLTV.
You spend the currency of time when you're constantly trying to figure it out yourself.
Like busy ants, customers follow a set of routines they've been doing for years. The way to swing them to you? Create a pattern interrupt.