How you can get closer to succeeding in the freelance biz
Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!
It’s the month where we see discounts – 31% off, 67% off, BOGO offers and more. Everyone loves discounts.
But if we were being honest, it’s a lazy way to market.
Before you get butthurt – you don’t see brands like Apple discounting their Macbooks, right?
Speaking of independence, many marketers are moving to becoming freelancers or starting their own agencies.
And yet – what’s the #1 thing these guys search for?
How to get clients… Ironic as it is, don’t worry. We got you covered.
How to market yourself
Starting off as a freelancer? Here’s how to market yourself.
1/ Proof over promise
Build an undeniable stack of proof of what you can do, instead of sharing empty promises.
If you’re new, offer to work for free and document the work you do on a website or blog. Do this for over a year and you’ll have a stackload of proof of work.
When others promise what they could do, you have an undeniable advantage with actual proof. Win.
2/ Do your damn homework
This is an idea by Ramit Sethi, called the briefcase technique
Basically, when you’re pitching a client, bring written-notes about the ways you would do to make their business better.
People are impressed with anyone who’s done their homework.
3/ Find others with similar passion
These people aren’t your competitors. They are your community.
Talk to them and build relationships. Offer to take out some workload from them, if they’re too busy to handle.
Figure out where other freelancers hang out at. The best way to connect with other peers is to be helpful and to offer advice.
4/ Share what you’ve learnt
Social media is FREE.
Instead of being a consumer, be a creator. Think of yourself as a guide, not a guru. You don’t have to create guides or “how-tos”.
Instead, share “how I” – share your success (and failures) with others.
Use platforms like LinkedIn or Instagram. Two things will naturally happen when you do this consistently. You’ll start attracting other freelance marketers who are building their careers and people who’re looking for marketers to help them grow their business.
5/ Help a business make money
This is the best strategy you can do, provided you have the skills to back it up.
Approach a company that you admire and understand. Let’s say it’s a business that sells accounting software subscriptions.
Help them market for free, and bring them customers. This demonstrates your value. Every business owner will welcome more business, and more importantly will go out of their way to hire you.
Anything that I’ve missed out? Reply and share your tips
Make an extra RM2,000 on the side
Anyone can start a side-hustle as a freelancer. In Freelance Profit, Reuben breaks down step-by-step on how to make an extra RM2,000 in 2 weeks, offering services – that you can manage on the side.
We’re removing Freelance Profit from Gumroad and re-releasing it in our community platform. Buy it as a pre-sale for RM149. Launch price is at RM249.