Is because while you can find many discussions about marketing and business, online – most of them are terrible.
LinkedIn has thousands of articles appearing every day. But they are usually pointless rehashes of what everyone already knows like "6 Myths About Employee Motivation"
Then there are publications – Entrepreneur, Forbes, and Medium (which I've unsubscribed from) publishing hundreds of articles every day.
The problem is that they're mostly quite bad.
They are written by professional bloggers who do nothing but write for pay. They are not experienced marketers. Most writers have perceived confidence, not earned confidence.
These articles are not vetted, or peer-reviewed – so they remain simply opinions of people no smarter than you.
Here is your advantage
You are more than qualified to publish your own media.
What's valuable on the internet right now is not more "how to" content. It's "how I" content.

So, share your experience and stories.
See social media as an avenue to market your business.
It's free. And there are NO RULES.
Remember: The more famous you are, the more useful you'll be to others.
Bringing "earned confidence" to you
The Digital Experience Optimization workshop next week will be conducted by people with earned confidence. What the h*ll that mean? It means all training materials come from actual business cases. You'll learn the lessons and strategies from some of the fastest growing E-commerce brands in the world.
It's very different from a textbook course. And that's why it works.
Brands joining us next week include OVER, PTT Outdoor, Swan Bags, Trove, and Dclare.
Practitioners (not gurus) at Underdog Sales Con
Revealing the first few speakers (and more soon!) for the upcoming Underdog Sales Con, 4th October, at Mereka Space, Publika.

Practitioners only! People who've put in the work – failed, succeeded, and lived to share their case studies. That's what you'll get in Underdog Sales Con.
And this time – speaking slots are more like mini-workshops, with live interaction from the floor. I know Underdog Sales Con is going to be epic. Probably the best "work-ference" you'll attend in 2024.
Go grab a ticket (and save before prices increase)