We are so indoctrinated to only go to Facebook or Google when we need traffic.

Yes, they work. You can literally in the next 30 minutes, reach anybody you want with ads.

But sometimes, the best results come from marketing on different traffic sources. Here is a list of potential traffic sources:

  • Exhibit in events & conferences.
  • Speak at conferences.
  • Take part in roadshows.
  • Distribute flyers around an area.
  • Advertise in the newspaper.
  • Advertise on billboards.
  • Run an ad on radio.
  • Sponsor a podcast.
  • Leverage other people by interviewing them.
  • Run an ad in a magazine.
  • Run an ad with an online local media outlet.  
  • Influencers. They can be cheaper than any marketing source.
  • Build strategic partnerships. Find someone with your audience.
  • Advertise on newsletters. You can sponsor DailyCMO too.
  • Or start a newsletter!
  • Run a challenge.
  • Start a YouTube channel.
  • Host a competition.
  • Improve your website's SEO.
  • Answer questions on Reddit, Quora. That's how Howuku got their first sale.
  • Do a giveaway!
  • Republish your old content everywhere – LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
  • Start an affiliate program.
  • Write a book.
  • Find opportunities to be interviewed.

Marketing is exciting because there are unlimited ways to drive traffic – whether online or offline. The list above is not definite.

The point is that it doesn't always have to be just Facebook or Google.

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