Here's what most brands (including you) get social media content marketing wrong – and how to fix it.

If you are scrolling through your social media pages, the most annoying thing is the countless pop up of ads.

On your feed, on your stories, it's so disruptive.

And for the 28th time, no, you are not interested. 

The problem is not the ads. But rather, the content of the ad.

We speak to Richard Ker and pick his brains for his insights on tips on how we can fix our social media ads once and for all.

Richard is the founder and chief storyteller of his creative marketing agency which helps businesses to grow through the power of storytelling.  (You may remember him from our last interview!)

What have we all been doing wrong?

Using the one-size-fits-all approach.

You know what we are talking about. Using the same ad and targeting everyone in hopes of getting clicks.

Some ads just don't tell a good story. Sorry, we are definitely scrolling away.

"When your ads are too generic, it doesn't speak to your audience."

Coming across so many ads in a day, try recalling all of them. Chances are, you forget about them the moment you swipe away.

So how do I make my ad content, ✨ VIRAL ✨?


It's not up to you. Your audience calls the shots.

Richard shares that the key to making "viral content" is just learning more about your own audience and what content makes them tick.

And it's an ongoing loop of...

  • creating content consistently (don't be afraid to experiment!)
  • learning what connects best with your audience
  • gaining new followers that resonate
  • learning more about what they like to see from you
  • and doing it all over again.

A general rule of what works specifically for your audience:

Viral content checklist:
- creative
- entertaining
- valuable
- thought-provoking

Here's one of our recent favourites by Montigo:

Montigo's creative video to exaggerate their new bottle is entertaining and memorable. 

Those ideas are great. But it doesn't help me generate leads.

Remember the golden Marketing Rule of 7?

You would only buy a product after you hear or see a brand at least 7 times. Which is why memorable content comes in.

When you tell a good story, people remember you.

Then, here is when you built trust. You want them to trust you enough that they choose you over your competitors.

Be it with strong testimonials and honest reviews, or having your fans advocate for you, tell a good story of why they should trust your product.

Richard strongly believes that storytelling should be present in every stage of the marketing funnel to connect to your audience authentically.

How do I tell a good story?

Quick question. Who tells the best stories?

Disney and Pixar. So let's copy their framework. Don't worry, you don't have to write an entire screenplay. It's easier than you think.

Here's a quick framework:

  • Start with “Once upon a time"  - setting a clear scenario that is relatable to your audience
  • Focus on your character's life and routine - zoom in on a routine or occasion typically experienced by your audience
  • Something happens - what possible pain points or desires do they have?
  • End with "they all lived happily ever after" - how does your product make their lives better?  
Remember how Nemo disobeyed his dad and had to navigate the dangers of the open sea?

Let's take you through it.

For example, you sell water-resistant handbags.  

Once upon a time: Sarah is a working executive who needs to be out and about for work and meetings.

Character's routine: She usually travels everywhere with her bag, even when she goes for lunch.

Something happens: One day, her water spills on her bag. She tries to wipe it, but it's too late. It is stained. It looks bad. Now the bag can no longer be used.

Happily Ever After: She switched to your water-resistant bag and now she no longer has to worry about spillages because she knows she can easily wipe away any liquids and her bag won't be ruined.

When all else fails, authenticity goes a long way.

An overused word in marketing nowadays: authenticity.

But what it simply means – be real.

Your audience is smarter than you give them credit for. They can see through you.

Same reason why more people are moving towards TikTok - it feels more spontaneous and less curated, making it laid-back and relatable.  

Be real when it comes to showing up online. Choose to add value first, before you try to sell.

And that means no chest-thumping "our product is the best" or "stand a chance to win a Blackpink ticket if you buy" narratives.

Rather, put honesty first.

Why should they use your product? How will it improve their lives?

Consistency > Having that one viral content.

Having your content go viral is thrilling. But it's not enough to drive results.

Results come from consistency. And consistency means hard work.

Content marketing is a long game. And having one viral content is never enough to sustain you.

Be consistent in pushing out your content, and do it as often as possible (that's why DailyCMO's goal is to put out content daily!).

Richard posts very regularly on TikTok to highlight various brands and businesses.
"There really are no bad ideas. Be courageous to experiment with different ideas and see what clicks best with your audience." 

Keep experimenting to see what connects best with your audience. Through time, you will also learn which social media platform works in your favour.

Richard leverages Twitter to connect best with his audience. 
Inspired by Richard's content marketing strategies?

Richard will be sharing more about how you can craft viral content in your advertising strategy at the Underdog Ad Con. You don't want to miss this opportunity to learn from the best industry practitioners. Get your tickets now. 

If you are interested to connect with Richard, you can email him at or reach out to him on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn.

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