Welcome to Marketing Mondays #6.

Marketing Mondays is a weekly newsletter that I send out every Monday, containing marketing bites that will make you a better marketer.

In today's Marketing Mondays:

  1. What's going on: The rush for omnichannel.
  2. Nuggets: Our best finds around the internet.
  3. Free cheatsheet: Onboard your clients right.
  4. Thought: What type of hero are you?

🙌🏼 What's Going On?

The omnichannel rush.

Over the weekend, I was driving at Bangsar – when I noticed a new store being set up along Jalan Maarof.

TTRacing, a gaming chair manufacturer took over a Toyota shoplot. Wow. With everything being online, why are brands investing in building offline stores?

Even DTC brands like Alterseat and Oxwhite are moving into having their products in retail stores.

From my interview with Shaun Tan, of Alterseat – the shift to omnichannel is mainly driven by consumer behavior.

During the pandemic, most consumers bought online. Now, as we fully emerged from the pandemic, people are hungry for out-of-home experiences. You don't really fancy another webinar, do you?  

No sir.

You want to walk around shops, pick stuff up and try them.

It's not only the DTC brands that are affected. It affects more industries than you think – Education, retail, marketing, services, and more.

🌟 Nuggets

Some quick bites we found around the internet that you might like.

  • Want to make money doing things you love? Start with making your first love dollar. This is a classic, yet very relevant blog post by Steve Pavlina, that might just inspire you.
  • AI is changing content marketing. But there's good news. There's a rise in demand for personal experiences. Something AI cannot replicate – at this time.
  • The profit margin for a cup of coffee in a cafe is around 65-70%.
  • Solving a problem – is not enough – for a startup to be successful.

📄 Free Resource: Client onboarding checklist.

Sharing a client onboarding checklist with you this week.

Click here to access it on Google Docs (make a copy)

These are questions to ask a client, before starting a marketing project. Ask a few questions during your kick-off call, then send the rest to your client – and get him/her to fill.

🤔 Thought of the week.

The concept of attractive character is made popular by Russell Brunson, the founder of Clickfunnels.

An attractive character is a persona created to build a following, influence customers, and drive action. Some examples:

  • Tim Cook of Apple.
  • Elon Musk of Tesla.
  • Vivy Yusof of Fashion Valet/Duck Group
  • Bryan Loo of Tealive.

So why is it important for us to develop an attractive character for our business?

Think about your favourite movie stars. If you were a fan of Mark Wahlberg, you'd watch every movie he starred in, regardless of whether the movie was a hit or not. We love them. We want to be like them. We relate to their stories. And we buy what they’re selling.

That's the power of an attractive character.

Now there are 4 types of characters you can build:

  1. The Leader - People who know how to inspire and lead their community. (E.g. Gary Vaynerchuk)
  2. Adventurer or Crusader - People who constantly share what they discovered and learned. They don't know everything yet.  (E.g. Ali Abdaal)
  3. Reporter or evangelist - People who put on the hat of a reporter. They find out about other successful people and report it to their audience. (E.g. Joe Rogan)
  4. Reluctant hero - The humble person who doesn't want the spotlight, but feels compelled to share what they know. (E.g. Russell Brunson)

DailyCMO updates.

Every week we work hard to bring actionable content that will help you grow your business. Check it out.

  1. We've redesigned our website to improve its readability. Check it out. If you have feedback, just hit reply to this email. You know I appreciate your thoughts and advice too.
  2. Announcing another speaker to the lineup at Underdog Advertising Con. Stephy Foong, VP of marketing and growth at Zus Coffee will be joining us and dropping some value bombs during the event!

Hope you enjoyed the newsletter. When you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. If you run ads at your business, I recommend getting a ticket to Underdog Advertising Con. I've gathered some of the best minds in advertising to share with you their secrets.
  2. I started out as a freelancer – and was lucky to have received profitable jobs from overseas. (More profitable, and hassle-free than in Malaysia). Recently just discounted my freelancing course to help more freelancers.
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