Daniel is a seasoned entrepreneur who ran multiple businesses – from education, tourism, events, and software development. He's worked with clients such as Bank Negara Malaysia, Petronas, Telenor, Roche Pharma, Khanaznah Malaysia, Paypal, Google, and Facebook. He is also the founding curator of TEDxKL, one of the largest TEDx in the world, and currently serves as TEDx Ambassador for South East Asia.

Daniel is also passionate about community building as he believes it can bring like-minded people together to support each other. He runs one of the most significant entrepreneur communities with 100,000++ members across Southeast Asia.

In this episode, Reuben chats with Daniel about what goes behind the scenes of maintaining a community platform, the importance of joining other communities as a community builder, and the mistakes you should avoid when building (and interacting within) a community.

As we are on the journey of growing DailyCMO's community, this episode definitely inspired us.

And for anyone who ever wanted to be part of something bigger, this one is for you.

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