Every single time I build a landing page, I'd go back a few hours or a day later to tear it down completely and rewrite everything.

I still make mistakes, but here are some "rules" I lean on:

1/ Be specific, not clever

Most sales pages are trying to be clever, not specific. You can be different.

  • Instead of "razor-fast processor" say "turns on in 2.4 seconds"
  • Instead of "double your revenue" say "Our customers made RM23,400,230 the past year"
  • Instead of "easy" say "start your first campaign in 60 seconds"

2/ Show, don't tell

Seeing is believing. Proof over promise.

  • Instead of saying our customers love us. Show a wall of 100 testimonials.
  • Instead of saying you offer great support, put chat bars everywhere on your website.
  • Instead of disruptive technology. Put a 60-second video showing how your software works.
  • Instead of saying we update constantly, put your update logs for everyone to see.

3/ Write for your reader, not robots

Google's search algorithm is crazy good. You don't need to stuff keywords into your headlines anymore – because Google can more or less understand context.

You can help search engines understand your landing page, by:

  • Readability. Making it easy to read – for real readers.
  • Proper structure. Clear subheadings and transition words. Think of it as a book.
  • Good content. Clear explanation, with personal experience, to show how what you're saying relates to what's known about the topic.

Hope this helps.

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