As marketers ourselves – we use and evaluate tons of software and tools. This page is an always up-to-date list of our favorites.

Favorite Marketing Software & Tools

Software makes work easier. There seems to be an app/software for every single part of the marketing process.

The marketing tech landscape is huge. Different businesses and marketing teams have different needs and preferences. What works for us may be different for you.

We just have one simple rule. Leverage technology before hiring people. Technology is supposed to help you work better. Before jumping fully into a software, we ask ourselves – "How does this make us more productive?"

📹 Bonjoro – Video Marketing Platform

Building relationships with customers today is more important than ever – especially when competing in a crowded digital world.

Bonjoro is a tool that helps you record and sends personalized videos to your customers (or prospects) – at scale.

Bonjoro: Video Engagement Platform
Bonjoro lets you send personal videos to new leads and customers, to stand out, build trust, and make more sales.

This helps you stand out and builds that personal relationship with your audience. In fact, using Bonjoro and sending videos was one of the ways we made Underdog Marketing Con a success.

📝 Notion

Before Notion, our team uses a combination of Trello + Google Docs + Slack to organize work. This included collaborating with clients & freelancers.

This created lots of back-and-forths, which are costly. For example, when I needed to get a logo, I had to go dig around Google Docs, and upon failing to find it, message my co-worker on Slack.

We found setting up a proper wiki in Notion to be more effective. Plus, you can do almost everything within Notion – to-do, kanban boards, etc. These days, we're working towards being a company without meetings.

The only downside to Notion is it requires a steeper learning curve to learn and love it.

🌎 Mitoworld - No-code Metaverse Builder

Mitoworld is what you need when you want to launch new and interesting marketing campaigns using Web 3.0 technologies.

It's a no-code Metaverse builder that allows you to create worlds without ever having to touch code.

Think about creating a virtual world for:

  • To provide a new experience for your audience.
  • As a lead generation funnel.
  • As a supplement to a physical event.
  • Branding purpose.

Read our guide on the metaverse to discover what marketers can do. And watch the launch of Mitoworld here.  

🧐 Howuku - Web Analytics

As data-driven marketers, we use analytics tools to study our customer's habit & behaviour. This helps us identify areas to improve and serve customers better.

Google Analytics 4 has been complicated. And instead of using it to drive our business goals, we've been spending more time setting it up – which makes it counterintuitive.

Howuku is an all-in-one analytics platform that includes everything you'll need as a digital marketer, from heat mapping, session video recordings, A/B testing, personalization, web forms, and more.

Best part? It doesn't rely on cookies. Say hello to the future of analytics. You can read our deep dive on Howuku here.