Imagine clicking one button and geting RM4,764 immediately. That was what one email did for us.

We promoted Underdog Content Con in the email.

(The email above was sent to a list of 317 people). A 3.15% conversion. Not too bad.

What if you promoted higher-priced products to a bigger email list?

If you're building a business, email is one of the best marketing channels.

Below are our 3 email marketing rules at Daily CMO.

But first, you'll need an email platform.

Which one is best? Mailchimp, Mailerlite (we use this), Getresponse, or Klaviyo?

Only newbies ask that question.

Professionals just pick one and start.

But the unspoken truth is most people overpay for email marketing. Email platforms come bundled with website builders, CRM and more – that goes unusued. Plus, most email platforms charge a subscription fee based on the number of subscribers.

That gets expensive – fast.

That's why I recommend business to consider using Enginemailer – a Malaysian-made email platform priced based on the number of emails you send monthly.

Send up to 10,000 emails per month free (500 emails/day) on the free plan.
Sign up for a free EngineMailer account and use code, CMOMAILER10K to unlock the ability to send up to 10,000 emails per day. (100 uses only. First come, first serve basis)

3 email marketing rules

Most companies suck at email marketing. They copy what others do. Suddenly, every email feels the same.

At Daily CMO, we have three rules for emails.

1) Write like you talk – Does our email sound like us talking? Or is it filled with marketese? People hate being sold to, but they love being entertained and reading stories.

2) Value in every email – Does this email provide ANY form of value? Does it entertain, provide an insight or make our readers smarter? If your email smells of "Sell, sell, sell!", you shouldn't send it.

3) Every word must earn its place – This is a lesson from Sales Page Makeover. Remove every fluff word. The more words you have, the more your reader has to read. You're doing a service for your readers by being concise and straight-forward.

Ps. Underdog Content Con is now available as a recording. Get access to it (and get our Underdog Tee).

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