Last weekend, I got my water filter serviced.
The reason? Because the water filter company reminded me that it was time to change the filter.
I don’t enjoy sending my car for oil changes. Stupid costs.. But I do them because the carmaker called to remind me of a service.
I’m stumped so many companies don’t do this!
People aren’t thinking about you. They’re thinking about themselves—just like you.
This a quote by Anne Lamot in Bird by Bird — one of the best books I've read about writing and life.
The point is. No one remembers you or your business. It's your job as a marketer of your business to remind them.
I do this all the time – with emails. Regardless of the email size.

That's the reason McDonald's and Coca-Cola spend millions putting up billboards that say nothing, except to shout, "Hey, remember I exist!"
You have to find a way to remind your customers.
No need to overcomplicate it. No need for AI. No need for super long-ass email sequences or WhatsApp automation.
Just find the simplest way to send a reminder. Do it manually if you have to.
Meet other B2B marketers in April
Underdog Con is back on 25th April. This round, the discussion will revolve around B2B marketing.
- What is currently working right now in B2B marketing?
- How is AI changing B2B marketing. (More importantly, what are marketers actually doing, and not just saying.)
- B2B marketing case studies.
As always, Underdog Con is about getting practitioners share their latest marketing case studies, generously.
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If you like to nominate someone to speak, please reply me with his or her name. We'll do our best to invite them to speak Underdog B2B Con.