I'd go into meetings and calls, asking – what does your marketing look like?
9/10 times their marketing is made of two things.
- Copy-cat marketing. (Well... we kinda copy what competitors do.)
- Bunch of random tactics.
- And maybe some AI garbage... lol
It's time to be data-driven
You don't have to measure every single click and interaction down to the T.
Start with the basics.
Let me introduce you to quant-based marketing.
We use quant-based marketing for every project we work on.Instead of intuition – you focus on numbers and rapid experimentation.
Here's how it works:
- List out all possible traffic sources.
- Write down potential traffic & conversions from each source.
- If you don't know the numbers, make a calculated guess.
- Execute all your marketing.
- Return to the sheet, enter numbers & pivot where necessary.
Three things happen when you adopt quant-based marketing.
- You start making data-driven decisions.
- You prioritize high-impact activities
- You keep yourself (or your team) accountable and true.
There's no more debate – about if you should or shouldn't do something.
Sending weekly newsletters? OK, are we getting any conversions from it? Recording podcasts. OK, are we getting any leads from it?
Do quant-based marketing with us
Feeling lost with your marketing? Doing a bunch of tactics and not sure where to go?
Whenever a marketing assignment becomes too messy, I'll take a step back, pull out the quant-based marketing sheet and re-plan my marketing.
And it'll always become clearer.
I'm running an online session to show you how we use quant-based marketing. Daily CMO subscribers can join for free.
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