In 2013, as a music producer, I organized a small music production meet-up in PJ. One of the participant who attended the meet was Chris. At that time, Chris was actively producing music for the mando-pop scene.
Through that event, we became friends and kept in touch. He lived in KL and myself in Penang (at that time), so we brought each other out for meals whenever we visited KL and Penang.
A few years later, in 2014, Chris reached out to me with a project, which became my first ever music project where I designed music and sound effects for a game. It was also one of my most profitable projects when I was a music producer.

The sharing this story – to help you see the power of meeting people.
Anything cool that happened in my business has always been the result of connecting with someone right before that.
Maybe you've tried every digital marketing tactic you can from your desk:
- Facebook Ads
- Google Ads
- Running webinars.
- Email marketing.
- Filming and posting on TikTok.
- Blogging and SEO.
But the truth still comes down to this:
People do business with whom they know, like and trust.
And the best way to form meaningful connections is by meeting and connecting with people physically.
So while there are news about the doom & gloom, economy on the brink of collapsing and recession – the best thing you can possibly do for your business right now is to go meet as many people as possible.
Because you'll never know – who you'll meet and where that connection may bring you.
Underdog Marketing Conference
This is why I'm organizing a conference, called the Underdog Marketing Conference. In a conference, different people come together to meet, learn and network.

And that's the idea. You'll meet people from different backgrounds & experiences – who might be the connection you need to grow your business. All you really need from most conferences is just 2-5 meaningful connections.
If you're launching a new business or idea, like myself - then get out of your comfort zone and go meet as many people as possible. Share your ideas with them, collect feedback, network and continue giving them value.
We want to encourage you to join the conference to find opportunities, that's why we've made the conference tickets affordable. Get tickets for you and your team at pre-sale prices here: