Why are carpet stores always closing down?

“Best price for you, only today, my friend” 

Mainly because carpets are hard to sell (when was the last time you bought one?). So owners resort to telling lies. 

Unfortunately, this created a consensus that all marketers are liars – bad people who will deceive, manipulate, and trick you into buying products.

BTW, if we’ve not met, I’m Amirul. I recently joined Daily CMO to provide you with daily marketing stories to help you do better marketing.

Recently, I sat down with Reuben to hear his insights from being a freelance marketer. 

Pricing strategies for freelancers

“The single most important decision in evaluating a business is pricing power”

- Warren Buffett

Most freelancers start off charging hourly rates – some charge project fees. 

  1. Hourly rates: Charge by the hour 
  2. Project rate: Charge a lump sum for a project
  3. Retainer: Charge a monthly retainer. 

Each one has its pros and cons. 

But the marketer who cares, freelancer or agency – charges value-based fees. 

To paraphrase Seth Godin, when a freelance marketer comes out with 3 service packages and asks a business to choose, he is not being critical about providing a solution that would actually solve the client’s problem. 

He is just providing that… a service. 

But nobody buys services or products. They buy solutions

Follow Daily CMO’s Instagram and YouTube to know when we release the full video. 

Make an extra RM2,000 on the side (for real this time)

Yesterday, I told you about something Reuben is providing but I left out the important part.

THE LINK! (sorry)

So click here to purchase your access to Freelancer Profit. 

In case you did not read about it yesterday, let me go over it again. 

As freelancers, we are looking for the best way to make profit. Reuben has created this tailored workshop to guide you through the steps to make an extra RM2,000 in just 2 weeks. 

By purchasing this workshop as a pre-sale for RM149 on our community platform today, you are saving RM100.

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