The biggest mistake startups make is spending 10 months building a product and then finding out nobody wants it.

Ever been in that situation? I have. It sucks.

Why I don't believe in surveys.

Another thing they do is send surveys. "Do you think this idea is good?", "Would you buy when we launch?"

Most people will say yes! (Because they want to support you)

But ask them to take out their credit cards – and suddenly they have to "think about it".

That's why we pre-sell.

Pre-selling a product gives you two HUGE benefits.

  1. True validation if people want your product.
  2. Customers!

Getting paid is an indicator that you're going in the right way. People will pay for something they find value.

If you pre-sell and get customers, great! This gives you the momentum to build out your product. If you pre-sell and people reject you, ask them why – and they'll tell you what's wrong with your product.

OK, let's put this to practice:

Underdog Con is on 21st March 2024

Mark your dates: 21st March 2024 @ APW Bangsar.

The focus this time would be marketing in E-commerce. We're aiming for a 250-people crowd – a great opportunity for learning and networking.

Pre-sale is now open.

I'm doing something crazy (scary to me) this round:

We're making 50 tickets available as pre-sale.

When you get it, you'll become our founding team – getting private access to our Basecamp project, weekly chat reviews, see behind the scenes of planning, organizing, marketing the conference, and be part of the conference. We'll also promote your business.

My ask: Get a pre-sale ticket for Underdog E-Commerce Con

It'll be a wild ride.

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