The longer I do marketing, the more I see that... the tools don't matter as much as we think.

If you have bad productivity habits. No app or tool is going to change that. You could have the best tool. But if nobody uses it, then it won't matter.

Execution is more important than the tactic or tool.

Most people love to focus on apps and tools because it's easy – and fun. Nicer to play with shiny tools, instead of doing the real work.

To be honest, the best marketing planning tool that works for us – is Google Sheets!

Takes minutes to create. No crazy subscription needed.

That said, as a modern marketer you need tools. Here are 5 lifetime deal tools we use, saving us thousands per year.

1 - Sendfox

This has to be first on the list.

Most of us are overpaying for email marketing. We don't use 70% features that we pay for.

Sendfox is super simple. No fancy templates. Simple broadcast and automation capabilities. But it just works.

Pay only $49 once. Get 5,000 users. Use for life.

2 - Tidycal

A Calendly alternative.

People book a call with you through a link, and a meeting link (Zoom, Google, etc.) will be sent to both parties.

Sync your calendars up to allow people to book available times only. And even charge money for call bookings.

No brainer at $29. Lifetime use.

3 - WriterZen

Saves you time writing SEO-optimized content. Automatically identifies topics to create engaging content, with the idea of building topical authority

It also has built-in GPT-3 AI to help you create content.

Disclaimer alert: We don't use WriterZen for content on DailyCMO, because we don't optimize for SEO. We use WriterZen when working on SEO articles for clients.

We've even made a WriterZen review.

Most SEO softwares aren't cheap. $79 is a pretty good deal.

4 - KingSumo

Some campaigns we ran some time ago.

KingSumo is a giveaway tool. Think of something your audience wants and run a giveaway, collecting their emails.

The app encourages participants to share the giveaway (giving it a chance at virality) to get bonus entries to win and receive bonus items.

We don't always use it. But when we do – it usually generates lots of leads.

The only bad thing about giveaways. And this is worth mentioning. Is that lead quality isn't the best.

Build your email list now. Start free.

5 - Switchy

A link shortener, tracking, and retargeting tool – all in one.

What's cool about it is on top of being able to track clicks, you can fire a pixel whenever someone clicks the link and run remarketing ads.

Although, I'll argue that this would be less effective with the rise of zero-click marketing and as we move into a cookieless future.

Still, pretty good deal for $39

"As seen on Netflix" comedian, Gajen Nad will be speaking at Underdog Content Con

Two fun facts:

  • Netflix didn't go to Gajen. He had to pitch it. Lesson? Take initiative. Take massive action.
  • Gajen Nad was my high-school senior.

Being a comedian is creating content, testing it, and presenting it to the public. Then repeat the process 10,000 times.

Hear Gajen share his 5 content marketing tips and apply them to your business. Plus, meet him and network with some of the most driven marketers and business people at Underdog Con.

Get a ticket to Underdog Con

Our interview with Gajen will be out on Friday.

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