A lot of the content created on Daily CMO are created out of impulse ideas. And a bulk of them is simply a documentation of the marketing lessons we discovered.
But at times, you need to be intentful when creating content.
Yes, I'm guilty.
After all, if your content does not get seen – then it wouldn't make any impact whatsoever. So in this post, as a way to self-remind, I like to share a tip that will help you create content with intent.
The best part? Do this well and your prospects will find you.
Watch the video below.
Leveraging on Google's "People Also Ask"
Google is an answering machine.
You type in your questions in the form of keywords. Hit enter. And it spits out a million results. Out of the million results, you browse only the top 10.
Google's goal is to get as many people to use (and love) the search engine. That's because as long they have traffic, they can continue to sell ad space to businesses.
To make sure people continue using the search engine, Google makes sure that they can answer questions promptly – and instantly.
Here's where we can take advantage:

There is a section on Google's search engine results page (SERP) called 'People also ask'. This section suggests other searches that people make – which is near to the keyword you placed in.
We know there is demand for those questions, since people are also asking them. So what we can do is to create the supply for those questions – by answering them through the content we create.
Let me break down the steps.
Step 1 – Make a broad keyword search.
Let's say you teach mandarin classes. And you want to create content to market your business.
Search on Google for 'mandarin classes'.
Scroll down to 'People Also Ask'. You'll see a bunch of questions that people also asked on Google.

Click on the dropdown arrows and you'll see even more questions!
Step 2 – Create content to answer those questions.
Now that we know what our prospects are asking, we simply create content to answer their biggest questions. The format, whether video, article, social media posts – doesn’t really matter.
What matters is we answer their questions in the best possible way, and that our answers are searchable.
Step 3 - Don't forget to promote your content.
It's one thing to post content online. But for it to do better and get some traction, you have to market it.
Don't just rely on Google to rank your content.
One of the best way to market your content is to send it to your email list. Of course, this means you'll have to first build an email list.
I suggest using something affordable like Sendfox.com. You only pay once. Rather than paying monthly SaaS fees with big email marketing platforms like Mailchimp or Aweber, Sendfox is an affordable choice.
You can use my referral link to purchase Sendfox through AppSumo and get a USD10 off here: AppSumo

It's your turn now.
While it's important to have a content strategy and to measure the ROI from creating content – understand that content creation is a long-term game.
Mix up your content strategy with some intent-based content and some documentation-based content, and over time of doing it – you should see your effort starting to pay off.
Hope this small SEO marketing tip was useful. Let me know if it works for you.