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3 lessons from Good Juju Barbell Club's marketing.

I previously wrote about 3 lessons from the interview I did with GJBC co-founder, Sara. Listening back to the podcast this week, I discovered 3 more lessons.

1 - The best companies don't sell - they brand.

Apple never tries to convert you to buy an iPhone. There are no funnels. Or weird-ass landing pages.

They focus on creating an experience. They focus on branding. GJBC does the same. There are no funnels, pressure up-sells, or guru-styled marketing tactics.

They don't need it. They're focused on building a really cool brand (the product) and creating a different experience.

2 - Act like a media company.

You might think that if you're gym business, you'd only create exercise and fitness content. But look at GJBC's Instagram and you'll notice Sara doesn't just post about weights and sweat.

There are socks, tie-dye shirts, coffee, and even candles???

What you learn is that if you act like a media company, you can create content about totally unrelated stuff. It becomes a gateway to produce attention and market your business.

Another example: Red Bull organizing extreme sports – which is technically unrelated to their product, a sugar drink.

3 - Make a product worth talking about.

What made me interested in inviting Sara to speak at Underdog Influence Con? That's because they've built a business worth talking about.

Most businesses spend money on ads to reach people – because they have an average product, and nobody is talking about it. That's why they have to spend on ads!

But when you successfully build a product worth talking about, your customers become your salespeople. That's exactly what happened with Good Juju Barbell Club. Their customers just can't shut up about going to GJBC.

Focus on making a product worth talking about. Don't even think about running ads, until you do.

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