With Underdog E-Commerce Con just tomorrow, I wanted to share a quick guide to networking like a pro at events.

I know what you're thinking: Wait, you can learn to network?

Networking is a learnable skill

There's a reason why networking can suck.

It's when people go to them looking for clients.

Don't be that creep. Don't go around handing out name cards and pitching your business before building rapport. Instead, go to networking events to find connectors.

Connectors are people who may not be your clients but can introduce you to potential clients.

Tap into people's network

Now that you know you're not going to be hunting leads at a networking event, you can switch to finding connectors.

Here's a script you can use:

"Hey, it was nice talking to you. If you know someone who's looking for a packaging company, let me know. Here's my card. You can pass it along to them."

Modify the script to your situation.

If you go to a 150-person event to look for leads, you're limited to the pool of 150 people. A smarter way is to tap into the networks of people you meet.

Need more networking tips? Read how to talk to anybody at networking events.

Last chance to join us (or bring a friend!)

Underdog E-Commerce Con is tomorrow.

We are setting up the stage up today (follow us on Instagram to see the progress!). I'm excited because we're bringing so many smart & experienced marketers together to learn and work with each other.

If you've not registered, now is the time. And if you're joining tomorrow, invite a friend to sign up for the event and I'll give you a gift when they sign up – as thanks!

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