It's no secret that we love frameworks and "secrets".

  • The untold secret to losing 6KG of body fat.
  • The 1-2 step framework we use to grow our business to 8 figures.
  • The selling system Apple uses to sell 10,000 computers every day.

The truth is you don't need another framework. Your mind tells you that this could be it. Finally, a framework that you can use to be successful.

What you actually need is massive action.

The RACE digital marketing framework

Hear me out though.

Yes, many marketers who prescribe frameworks don't actually use it themselves. Many do it to sound smart. Frameworks are just that – frameworks.

But the world of marketing is messy. Having a framework can help you stay in control. So, let us introduce you a common marketing framework called the RACE framework.

The RACE framework was developed by Smart Insights


First, you plan and set a goal. Working without a goal is like running in circles. You're moving, but you're not going anywhere.

In every client discovery call – we'd ask one question that gets brands to stop and think: What's your quantifiable goal?

Most people set goals like: "We want to get more customers by this year".

Yes, but how many customers, specifically? Get specific.


If you have a product to offer, you need to find a way to reach potential buyers.

Go where your customers hang out? Do they spend hours scrolling on TikTok? Go there. Do they spend their mornings listening to the radio? Run a radio advert. Do they drive past a billboard on their way to work? Run an out-of-home (OOH) ad.

Good marketers figure out where their customers hang out, and go there.

If the way to reach clients is through WhatsApp, so be it!


Act is really interact.

Most marketers forget that it's a real person that they reach with marketing. We're so used to marketing dashboards that we forget. It's real people who will buy and use our products.

Once you're able to reach your audience – find ways to interact with them. One hack is to include them in your business decision, like putting up polls.

We use Instagram polls to interact with our audience


Everyone wants conversion. But they never put effort into improving conversions.

There are two ways to promote an action.

  • Urgency
  • Scarcity

Customers today are bombarded with ads and offers. They make too many decisions every day. To motivate an action, you must implicit urgency and scarcity for anything you're offering.

  • "Buy 2 for the price of 1, before the end of this month"
  • "Only 15 units left before we close the sale"

The caveat is to make sure there's a good reason behind the urgency and scarcity of your products. Customers can tell if you are making it up.


The "re-order" business is the kind of business you want to be in. Engaging with the client doesn't at after the sale. In fact, the work actually starts after your clients pay you.

To always get re-orders, you need to over-promise and over-deliver. That's not a typo. You really have to over-promise and over-deliver.

The best businesses (e-commerce or not) are in the reorder business.

The re-order business has customers repeatedly buying again and again. That's one insight the three businesses will tell you at eCommerce and Retail Day.

Our friends at Zetpy is organizing a sharing session, featuring Mydin, Zucca and Signature Market – sharing their lessons building their business.

Tickets are... for a lack of a better word, dirt cheap. We're sure the value you get from attending the event far exceeds the RM20 ticket fee.

Get a ticket now to eCommerce and Retail Day

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