This week's Marketing Monday is late. We just concluded Underdog Ad Conference and got busy with the revenue reports, feedback and video recordings that we'd like to share with you.

Here's the scoop this week:

  • Location matters – Feeling down? Change your environment.
  • Revenue reports, feedback & lessons from Underdog Ad Con 2023 last week.
  • Underdog Essential Tee – Grab the limited tee by Daily CMO before its gone!

📍 Location matters.

Ever walked into a place and felt all pumped up? Yes, environment matters.

If you're feeling unmotivated, change your environment. It's hard to feel depressed when you're surrounded with highly motivated people.

Yesterday, I visited True Digital Park in Bangkok. Man, I was blown away. What I found was Southeast Asia's Silicon Valley.

The place is HUGE. We're talking 230,000 square meters of space (that's about 28 football fields). Housing over 1,000 workstations.

As I walked around the place, I see people working on their laptops and in deep discussions. You bump into startup owners, entrepreneurs and VCs.

Plenty of restaurants, greeneries and pet-friendly parks. If working out from this place don't inspire you – I don't know what does.

A must-visit when you travel to Bangkok.

Environment matters. Where are you working from currently?

📹 Video takeaway of the week:

Why would someone want to buy our chairs – when they can simply go to Ikea? That's why our offer has to stand out.
A lot of businesses don't test their ads enough. Advertising is about testing and identifying what works, and what doesn't. You cannot slack on that.

This is an insightful interview with Shaun Tan, co-founder of Alterseat – and also the mind behind their very successful ads. They've hit RM8 million in sales through paid advertising alone.

Watch the video on YouTube or listen on Spotify.

Shaun speaking at Underdog Ad Con 2023
Get access to Shaun's talk, including other speakers from Underdog Ad Conference 2023.

💰 Revenue reports, feedback and lessons from Underdog Ad Con 2023.

Underdog Ad Con was a blast.

Can you feel the energy?

I'm extremely proud with the team to have been able to pull it off. But the best feeling come from knowing we've added value to so many lives.

We're committed to building Underdog Ad Con in public, that's why we're sharing the revenue reports, feedback and lessons learnt here.

I'll quickly fire a few questions I got recently:

1. Is running a conference... profitable?

It depends on a few variables.

  • The ticket price.
  • # of sponsors & exhibitors.
  • Affiliate & partnership commissions.
  • Upsells. (We didn't do upsells, but its in consideration.)

I'm proud to let you know that Underdog Ad Con is profitable. Not by a big amount. But this means you can expect us to continue creating more exciting conferences and events.

Check out the revenue report here.

2. How big was the team?

Hosting a conference wasn't easy. But I've had help. Planning and marketing the conference was mostly just me and my colleague, Sri. I got in a few people on the day itself to help. That's it.

With technology, AI and what not... You don't need a big team to do big things.

The dream team.

3. How did you get the speakers?

Many people assumed I'm well connected. Butout of the 12 speakers who spoke in Underdog Ad Con, I only knew one of them.

We invited the speakers mainly through cold emailing and outreaching on Linkedin. It's about having an underdog mentality.

I DM-ed Shaun on Facebook.

4. Ahh, I missed the conference... again.

You can get access to recordings from the conference here. You'll also get a limited Underdog essential tee! The talks alone are super valuable, since the speakers shared practical lessons.

Or join the upcoming Underdog Con sometime in September. Just stay subscribed to Daily CMO, and you'll be first to know.

📧 Time to get smarter.

Information overload is real.

Before the digital age, we go to doctors for advice. These days, we visit doctors and tell them they're wrong – using information we got from Google (or ChatGPT). 🫠

Crazy times.

These days it's not about how much information you have. It's about being able to frame the right information.

That's why newsletters like The Coffee Break exist. They break down the clutter and summarize Malaysian news that matters.

Subscribe to Coffee Break for free.

DailyCMO updates.

1. Introducing the Underdog Essential Tee

Underdogs go the extra mile. They are the hungriest. The best fuel in business is having the underdog mentality.

Grab our limited Underdog Essential tee, made of 100% organic premium cotton, lycra collar and pre-shrunked. We designed it to be comfortable and ensure it doesn't shrink from lots of wears & washing.

Made for everyday wear, whether you're working on your next big project or heading to occasions where you need the underdog mindset.

Grab an Underdog Essential Tee by DailyCMO here. (Free Shipping)

2. Secai Marche looking to hire a marketing executive.

This is a snippet from Circle - the Daily CMO's community. You can join for free currently.

Secai Marche is a platform that helps restaurants buy fresh products directly from farmers in Malaysia and Japan.

They're currently looking for a marketing executive to work on its social media and paid accounts. Check out more details in the Circle.

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