When I finished high school, I wanted to be a music producer. 

This was 2007. There wasn’t a lot of info online yet. 

So, I bought magazines to learn how to produce music on a computer. Every month, I’d fork about RM50 for a “Computer Music” magazine. It was a lot of money for me, so I consumed everything in the magazine. (Including the ads.. lol)

I bought lots of equipment too.

I did this for months.

It felt good. With every issue, I felt I was becoming smarter, and more equipped. 

Then one day, I came across a site called AudioJungle, a stock music marketplace. I could upload and sell music.


Equipped with months of computer music magazine knowledge, I set out to compose a music masterpiece. After a week of hard work, I named the music track, “Dream Big” and uploaded it.

The next 3-4 days were a mix of anticipation and anxiety – as I waited to get an approval email. 

Then it came…

WHATT?? Not up to standard? 

My big dreams were crushed. (Jokes on me)

I felt like shit. I emailed Envato for an appeal. “It’s a hard rejection, I’m afraid” they replied. I cursed and blamed Envato.

After coming to my senses, I decided to try again. 

“It’s my fault. I’ve been READING about music production, not PRACTICING it.”

So I set to compose again. This time, I composed a few pieces, played them to my friends, and observed their reactions. 

I took the one with the best feedback, polished it – and uploaded it to AudioJungle. 

And, it got approved! 

The piece became one of my best-selling music tracks on AudioJungle. 

Knowledge is not power.

Applied knowledge is. 

My experience then taught me a lesson. To truly learn & master something – you gotta DO it. There’s no way around it. 

I was reading about music production. That’s like wanting to become fit, but choosing to read about push-ups. 

It’s easy to watch marketing videos, or worst, 15-second TikToks – and think you’ll be a good marketer. And yes, you do need good information. But eventually, you’ll have to put down the phone and do the hard work of starting. 

That’s why Sales Page Makeover is a workshop – not a course. In a workshop, you get to work. Doing, testing, and putting your work out is the only way you’re going to improve your marketing. 

If you want to do good marketing, you have to put the reps in. 

Sales Page Makeover is a 7-day workshop that will get you to work on optimizing your sales page and increasing your revenue. 

Drip by drip, bit by bit – every day. 

I’m so confident it’ll work, that we even have a 100% money-back guarantee for this workshop. 

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