Okay, let’s be honest, some of us are still a little sceptical about Alexa right? Well we might just have found a new friend. As if having a device at home listening in to our conversations isn’t enough, now there is something that we can wear 24/7.
friend is not the first of it’s kind as there’s this very similar pendant in the market as well. Surprisingly this device has the same name. Did they not look this up? This device was announced on the 30th of July with this ad.

I watched the ad and the first thing that came to my mind is that it is going to drive people away from each other. Let’s not forget people are going to rely even more on devices than they already are. Looking at the reviews on the video, they’re definitely not winning customers (as at the time of writing)
With a device that’s always listening in, would our privacy be at stake? Could the device increase the loneliness rates that are already at a high.
Let’s wait and see for this one.
Something to keep an eye out for 👀
According to market.us, the size of the AI wearable market is at USD 39.2 Billion in 2024. It is expected to hit USD 304.8 Billion by 2033. That is a whopping growth rate of 25.6% in just nine years. It would be interesting to see what other devices come up that might or might not capture our attention.

A deal for you 🫵

While we decide if we need these devices or not, here’s something that you definitely will find useful and can carry around everywhere. We have just the partner for you, Over. Our bodies are made up of 60% water. You gotta hydrate to be at your best.
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