I love the fitness industry because you can learn so much from them.

How do gyms do marketing? 

They sell you dreams of having 6-pack abs, becoming sexy, and finally getting the validation you seek for. And every day, I see more and more absurd claims: 

  • Get a 6-pack in 6 weeks!
  • No dieting needed! Continue to eat whatever the heck you want. 
  • Just a 20-min exercise each week. 

OK, I made those up. 

But those are what people want. When what they need might be an awareness of food intake and exercise methods.

Sell what they want, to give what they need. 

I’m sure most gyms are set up to improve people’s lives.

But if you’re a gym – and your marketing message is, “get healthier”, “feel better”, “yay!” – you’re going to fight a losing battle. 

Gyms give customers what they need (health improvement). But they do that by selling what they want (6-pack abs & an ego boost).

Here’s the takeaway: Sell what your customers want. To give them what they need. 

Few more examples: 

  • Indoor cycling classes. Give people an hour, where they lose themselves with loud, rave-style music, so they get their exercise in and become healthier.
  • Vitamin gummies. Give kids vitamins in the form of gummies that taste sweet, so they’ll eat them and maintain their general well-being. 

This week only: Free gift when you join Sales Page Makeover

Similarly, your sales page – the one you drive all traffic to, should sell what your customers want. Your customers might need to implement a CRM system in their business, but what they want is more free time. 

Sales Page Makeover goes beyond using website templates. You’ll learn the step-by-step process of creating a sales page that dives deep into your prospects' deepest desires and turns them into customers. Join Sales Page Makeover by Friday, and receive a ticket to Underdog Content Con at Taylors U on 6th July. My gift to you for joining this week. 

Online Clinic: Double your E-Commerce store revenue

Join us in a 1-hour online clinic session and discover the 3 marketing levers you can use to increase your E-Commerce sales – without spending more money on ads. These strategies are backed by tried-and-tested methods used on EyeMuse, a contact lens store.

This isn’t another boring webinar. It’s going to be engaging, fun, and more importantly – insightful, together with your boys, Reuben of Daily CMO and Faisal of WebMedic. 

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