During the Covid-19 lockdown, I picked up tennis.

Instead of figuring it out on my own, I hired a coach.

It took a few lessons before I was able to rally. Eventually, after a few months – I was able to play a tennis game.

Getting help – a coach, made it easier. I could get instant answers to questions like:

  • What racquet should I buy?
  • Which strings (and tension) should I fix?
  • What should I master first?
  • What's wrong with my technique?

Why is figuring out marketing different?

With sports, it was normal – to get help. Having a coach helped me enjoy the sport sooner.

But when it comes to marketing... isn't it funny that most of us choose to figure it all out on our own?

Let me give you another example:

In 2007, I started a music school and realized I needed a website.

But instead of getting help, I tried figuring it out on my own. I bought "HTML for dummies", downloaded Adobe Dreamweaver, and would spend the nights writing code.

I eventually managed to build a webpage. But it took me months.

So one day I finally had enough and decided to join a website-building workshop.

Not hard to spot me now.

In just 2 days, by the end of the workshop, I knew how to build proper websites! In fact, the workshop actually launched my career in marketing.

Here's the lesson:

If there's a new skill you want to learn – it's better to simply get help from people who are already experts.

You can try to figure it out on your own. But it'll take longer and will usually cost you more than just getting help in the first place.

Was there a point in your life where you chose to get help and it made all the difference?

  • Maybe it was learning to speak Chinese.
  • Or learning to cook.
  • Or figuring out if a career path was something you wanted?

You can leave a comment on this post and let me know.

Launch profitable marketing campaigns now.

Similarly, if you want to launch a profitable marketing campaign, how do you avoid wasting months – and potentially thousands of dollars?

You get help from people ahead of you.

After running a few events and talking to business owners at Daily CMO, we found out influence marketing was something that many businesses (and marketers) were still struggling to understand.

  • How much should I pay influencers?
  • Micro or macro influencers?
  • Could I be the main influence for my business?
  • When do I know my business is ready for influencer marketing?

That's why, we decided to put together a conference, Underdog Influence Con on 20th Sept at CommonGround, Jaya One.

See full details here: https://underdog.dailycmo.net

Lessons from experts.

The conference brings real industry players to share case studies of their work. Everything that they share are verified and is from actual experience.

This is not one of those many "AI conferences" where speakers with no background in AI tell you things like, "Oohh, AI is going to kill businesses. Beware! Now go buy my course.".

Underdog Con is different.

There is no hard selling. No high-5 people on your left and right. You won't be asked to shout some motivational mantra during the event.

Just actionable lessons and high-quality networking sessions.

When you join Underdog Influence Con, you get access to all speaking sessions, opportunity to ask questions, and network with the best marketers & businesses in influence marketing.

You'll also get:

  • Access to 6+ live speeches, panel discussions, and Q&A sessions, done in a down-to-earth, personal setting with no judgment.
  • Refreshments to keep you energized throughout the event.
  • After-party networking session where you'll get a chance to build deeper relationships with other marketers and business. (Which also includes a free drink of your choice.)
  • Your company logo printed on the event backdrop and added to our website, to give your business some publicity.
  • Video recordings of all speeches and content from the conference.
  • An online community to further your discussion with everyone attending the conference.

Would you rather spend a day, or a year?

To start running profitable influence marketing campaigns?

Everyone who joins Underdog Con has something they want to take home.

  • New marketing strategies and ideas.
  • New business & career opportunities.
  • New connections.
  • Find potential clients.

Regardless of which one your goal is, we designed Underdog Influence Con to provide that for every participant.

Nobody ever regrets joining Underdog Con. In fact, I would ask about their experience after each conference to improve each time.

Here are some of my favorites:

This is from Underdog Ad Con in May.
And this one is from Underdog Marketing Con in Nov 2022

This is your chance to improve your marketing.

If you're serious about learning not just influencer marketing – but to be updated about the latest marketing strategies, then now is the time to take action.

There are only 120 seats (including speakers) at Underdog Influence Con and tickets are going out every day.

From my experience, people usually buy their tickets closer to the date. But I would advise you to get them early. During the last conference, we had to disappoint a few people because all tickets sold out – and we closed ticketing.

Don't be this guy.

Tap the button below to learn more about Underdog Influence Con and secure your spot.

I'll be revealing more speakers this week. But from the speakers, revealed so far – you can already see it's going to be an amazing event.

Looking forward to seeing you at the conference.

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