Remember the time you stayed at a 6-star hotel?

You walk into the hotel to check in. Someone takes your luggage and you get ushered to sit down. Another person brings you a welcome drink. As you take your last sip, the receptionist informs your room is ready.

Someone escorts you to your room. Shows you how to access it and points out the amenities in your room. Your luggage is already placed nicely in the room. He leaves and you start exploring the room.

Wait, what is this? The hotel has noticed it's your birthday. They made a cake and a personalized card with your name on the table.

You took photos and posted the experience online. Days later, you met up with some friends and told them about your experience at the hotel.

Congrats. You've become one of the hotel's salespersons.

Providing 6-star experience, online.

When it comes to digital experiences, most website owners ignore their users. They treat everyone the same, throw promotions at them, and ask them to buy, buy, and buy!

No wonder most people go to a platform, click "sort by price" and go for the cheapest.

The irony is providing a 6-star experience is easy online. You have a treasure trove of information about your customers. You know when their birthdays are. You know where they are logging from. You know what time they logged on.

  • You can have personalized web pages for different customers.
  • You can send automated birthday greetings to customers.

That's what Digital Experience Optimization (DXO) is.

It's about looking at the entire digital journey of your customer. Not just to see how they interact, but why they make the many decisions from the moment they enter your app/website, all the way to post-purchase.

DXO uses science and data to improve the digital experience and thus, grow revenue on your website.

Watch our recent interview with DXO experts, Lirou and Donald:

Take a DXO workshop, and build a 6-star experience for your customers

Customers buy from brands they enjoy the experience with.

It's why people prefer buying from Apple vs Microsoft. You've felt it if you've walked into an Apple store.

Together with Lirou and Donald, we're running a Digital Experience Optimization workshop on 20th Sept – where we'll show you step-by-step to create a 6-star user experience on your website.

Registration is open, and will close when all 25 spots are filled

Learn about the Digital Experience Optimization workshop

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