Yienyee is Chief Relationship Officer (CRO) at EasyStore. At first, I was like, what's that? Then I realized building relationships with customers is, probably one of the best things you can do for your business.

Yienyee has had her fair share of marketing wins and losses. But one thing has remained constant in her pursuit – taking action. From her earliest days of running offline fashion bazaars, co-founding Avana to being at EasyStore she has constantly taken action.

In this post, we'll share the lessons, marketing frameworks & strategies we've learned talking with Yienyee.

You can watch the video interview here:

Read on as we break and drill into extra lessons, not in the video interview.

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Let's start.

1/ Use physical events to growth hack

Any business can benefit from physical, in-person events.

  • Moz, an SEO software company organizes a marketing conference called MozCon.
  • Lululemon organizes yoga classes in their stores.
  • Hiredly, organizes the Awesome Career Fair.

In-person events bring people together, beat Zoom fatigue, and create human connection – driving traffic to potential customers and sales.

As someone who loves fashion, Yienyee started her first business by accident, first by aggregating the best fashion products into her blog, and eventually organizing an in-person sales bazaar – which attracted more visitors than she could handle. (More on this later)

Customers crave experience. Physical events allow you to reach them in ways you can't, digitally.

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