As marketers, we want consumers to say, “that’s a hell of a product’ instead of “that’s a hell of an ad” - Leo Burnett

Know some Google Ads magic? ✨

“We need at least 100 leads”. 

I was discussing a Google Ads campaign with a client. 

“Okay, so… RM9,000 ad budget. That’s RM90 per lead. What has worked so far?” I asked, reverse engineering the problem.

“Umm, I think we can improve the Google Ads campaign. Maybe there’s a trick you know.” said the client. 

I looked at their landing page and instinctively knew what was wrong. 

There was no offer.

They hoped I had a Google Ads technique to magically increase leads, and lower cost.

Ahh, the classic case, of a business thinking they’ll hit their goals by spending more ads and hiring a “better” agency. 

We took on the project anyway – ran ads, and edited the landing page throughout the ad campaign. 

Here’s what we changed: 

Conversions started trickling in. 

What we did right:

  • Identified what their clients want. 
  • Created an offer and made it super clear. 
  • Test everything.

What we didn’t do: 

  • Spend 100s of hours over-optimizing Google Ads
  • Build a new landing page. 
  • Spend $208 for a new shiny sales funnel builder.

It’s rare for any business to have a traffic problem. 

Google and META ad algorithms have gotten so good at reaching the right audience – that they’ll reach your target audience without you setting targeting up.

The biggest lever in any ad campaign is making a good offer on your sales page.

Action plan for you: Does your sales page solve a pain?

What's up in marketing💡

  • If you’ve not seen it yet. GPT-4o is mind-blowing.
  • People think GPT-4o will kill Duolingo. Personally, I don’t think that to be the case. It’ll complement Duolingo’s stance on education 
  • Some of the most successful content marketers are just great at systems
  • An amazing story, filled with marketing and business gems.

Deal of the week 🤝

Most businesses don’t have a problem getting traffic. They usually have a conversion problem. The Sales Page Makeover will help you fix that.

Workshop starts 29th May. Get in early now. 

Video of the week 📹

Azlan and Kimberly of Otomate Me, share a story that will be relatable to anyone building a business or figuring out their marketing. 

Plus, why they don’t just rely on online marketing – but put their bets on offline marketing.

Watch the interview

Thought of the week 💬

When it comes to writing online, 'how I' beats 'how to'.

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