Let's be honest.
The #1 challenge that holds people back from doing what they really want to do – is not money or skill.
It's fear.
More precisely, fear of being judged.
Let's take content creation.
What happens every time you sit down to write? The inner critic appears:
- Who am I to say this?
- What if people think I suck?
- I look ugly there.
- What if I'm not good enough?
The truth is even successful people battle their inner critics.
I know this because I invite successful people to speak at Underdog Con. And you'll be surprised how many of them think they're not qualified to share their experience.

Do your inner critic appear whenever you sit down to do something you want to do?
If so – I've got a great solution for you.
How to silence your inner critic
It's simple. Shift your perspective from internal to external.
When you realize this, the solution is really clear: Basically, stop focusing on your damn self!
When your inner critic says, "I'm no good. People will laugh at me...", you are focused on yourself.
So shift your focus to the others.
If you've discovered a way to reduce back pain at work, wouldn't it be your obligation to share that with others? Shouldn't you be creating videos and guides to help other people?
Similarly, in business – we're in a position to help others.
The next time you write a social media post and your inner critic starts saying, "Ohh this suck, nobody is going to like this post..."
Refocus it.
"I've experienced a great life-changing experience. People can learn from this. It would help them. It's my obligation to share it..."
Tomorrow: Show up and serve more clients
Today's post on inner critic was inspired by Dean's post on the Search & Scale online community.

I believe the #1 challenge that prevents people from achieving success with content marketing, isn't money or skill. It's fear.
What's your #1 challenge?
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Search & Scale will show you how to rank your business on Google. I know it works, that's why I stand behind it with a 100% money-back guarantee.
Hope to see you.