MM #14 - You're an AI marketer.
Look again! The image above isn't real. That is not my legs. That wasn't the table or chair I sat on.
I write and explain in a simple, no-bullshit manner. Mostly on how you can do better marketing and grow your business.
Look again! The image above isn't real. That is not my legs. That wasn't the table or chair I sat on.
Human nature has not changed in 1,000 years. Smart marketers study human psychology.
In case you are curious what sparked us to kickstart the DailyCMO Podcast, you will find out that this episode with Terng is one of the reasons why.
Why you need to create more and consume less. The world needs you.
Want to kickstart you freelancing journey but don't know where and how to find clients? This might just be the stepping stone you need.
All great brands use powerful psychology tactics to win over their customers. Here's how you can do it.